Conventional Ultrasonic Testing uses high frequency sound energy for inspection and measurement. Significant information such as the presence of irregularities, material and paint thickness can be obtained during ultrasonic testing. The detection and location of irregularities can be determined by evaluating the reflections of the ultrasonic waves produced from the transducer. These waves are sent to the material and proceed in a straight line until they coincide with the surface at a constant speed. Some of these wave energies are reflected back, the rest are transmitted. Against the retroreflection, the transmitted energy is detected and the irregularities encountered are found based on this. RM Mechatronics expert staff is ready to be your solution partner in ultrasonic tests.
UT, one of the most common NDT methods, is a test method that performs thickness measurement ultrasonically in order to determine the erosion and rot character of various mechanical equipment used in the industrial field. RM Mechatronics; pipes, pressure vessels, boilers, tanks etc. provides high quality thickness measurement services through its experienced and certified personnel. Thickness measurement is made by placing the UT probe on the surface of the object. Locations of regional or general thickness thinning can be determined and measured with high accuracy. The device performing the measurement is portable and lightweight; it can save the measurements made in its memory. By using different probe types, it is possible to measure thickness on hard-to-reach surfaces, very thin sheets, high temperatures, over paint or over areas with heavy corrosion without requiring serious surface preparation. RM Mechatronics expert staff is ready to be your solution partner in ultrasonic thickness measurement tests.